Okay, so Ive been a complete jerk, I ditched you for months and months and for that I'm sorry. My excuse is this, I blame my hiatus from the wonderful world of blogging on my shiny new day job -- here's a link where you can check out some of the work Ive been doing with the fine folks at Painted-Words
To buy back your trust and respect I present this fun and colorful illustration of a food product that doesn't exist. I promise I'll never leave you again.
-Justin Patrick Parpan
Freaking finally!
I was beginning to think that you moved. But you didn't! Hooray!
The skull is awesome... I would want it as my tattoo if I were to ever get one. Congrats on the new agent!
Congratulations Justin great skull
Welcome back. Can't beat a tasty sugar skull...at least I can't.
hey congrats on the new job and welcome back to the blogging world. How can I resist tasty sugary skulls?!?
It's a Justin sighting! Wow!
Great news on the agent stuff. Congratulations!
AWESOME works!!!
we'll forgive you if you keep posting your illustrative eyecandy. great stuff...love the texture work behind the skull!
You were gone a long time, but at least you were thoughtful enough to invent a cool new dessert for everyone.
Welcome back, and congratulations on the new agent!
dang man you've been busy.... I'm very happy for you man.
love the artwork... I demand more!!!
Man those paintings you did are great!! Yeah I took four months to post too...
nice sugar skull.
congratulations on the new job.
I know of Lori through a colleague-
you are in good hands.
Congrats on the day jobness.
And dang it if that ain't one fun and colorful illustration of a food product that doesn't exist.
Good to see you back at it! Terrific image, sir!
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