Monday, July 18, 2011

Comic Con 2011

Here’s a piece I made for the Trickster event taking place across the street from Comic Con this year! The print is an edition of 10, so you can also snag a copy at my Comic Con booth. You can find me at booth 2206 near DC Comics!



Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful piece Justin, what medium did you use if you dont mind me asking?

Anonymous said...

Hola, hemos agregado un trackback (enlace hacia este artículo) en el nuestro ya que nos pareció muy interesante la información detallada pero no quisimos copiarla, sino que nuestros lectores vengan directamente a la fuente. Gracias... datacredito bogota

Henry said...

Much appreciate your blog post

Kim M said...

I love your artwork and will definitely check out your booth.