Since Halloween this blog has been a real ghost town and I want to apologize to the faithful two or three visitors who check for life every month or so. I was recently granted a swell design position at JibJab and since have had to move myself to the sunny shores of Venice Beach - that's my excuse. I'm an adult now and thusly have a lot less time for midnight blogging and vegging out in front of early morning reruns of the X-Files, but I promise to you faithful two or three I'll try to post a few times a month. In theaters now you can check out the box I made for
The Cereal Killers show. My fellow Cereal Killer brother,
Josh Parpan also did a box for the show. A special thanks goes to the extremely cool
Viktor Von Kreep for inviting us to contribute!
It feels good to be back!
- Justin

P.S. Check out these way cool drawings Josh create for our approaching cartoon pitch! Hopefully the adventures of Lunar Rover will be coming to your television set real soon!