Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
A Traveling Man

I've been doing a lot of aimless wandering lately. You see I'm in the process of writing a new chapter book set on the bizarre highways and byways of America, so my research has taken me all over the area in search of strange little towns and attractions.

On Monday I stumbled upon this monolithic oddity high in the mountains. It's a place called the Palomar Observatory, and I can't express the feeling of awe and wonderment it inspired. Legend has it the creator, an eccentric astronomer named George Ellery Hale was told to build the observatory by little green elves.
Here's something from my ongoing Tom Blackbird project.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Here's a sketch Kelsey Mann did of Josh and me. If you guess which is which I'll give you a special prize!

Here's the latest edition to my ongoing series of Customizing Monster Kit characters. Personally I would love to see this guy made into a really cheap action figure and sold at a run down swap meet. I guess a guy can dream, right?
Thursday, July 19, 2007
My Monster Merch!
Friday, July 13, 2007
I present another print you can find at the convention. It showcases my fear of feral cats, especially the enormous man eating kind!

I present a shirt I made which, if your interested, you can purchase. If you've never been to Aguanga, CA you should definitely go. They have great apple pie and lots of abandoned barns to look at!

Friday, July 06, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
A Mighty Big Post for a Mighty Big Month!
The most important bit of news for the month features the all mighty Con! This will be the first time brother Josh Parpan and I will be selling our work and kid friendly merchandise at the convention, so come and visit us at the Goblin Fish Press table. I have to admit I’m really going to miss being apart of the great migration of SciFi and Comic book nerds traveling the tables, but I guess you can’t have it all. So if you’re going to be in attendance this year come and say hello, I'm looking forward to meeting you all. Here’s one of the Monster prints I’ll be selling. As the great Con approaches I’ll be posting images of all our merchandise!
This month I’ve also been busy at work developing some ideas for potential book projects. This is from a story about a fire breathing elephant named Aku.
Lastly I wanted to thank my talented pal David Sones for awarding me a Thinking Blogger Award. My posting lately has become less frequent and this award fills me with a tremendous amount of guilt. I’ll try harder David, I promise.
Thursday, May 24, 2007

After years of work and toil – not to mention a whole slew of time consuming freelance jobs – today’s the day Goblin Fish Press releases its first bit of official merchandise! So attention all B-Movie Monster loving nerds and Sci-Fi freaky geeks, if you wish to purchase the first in a series of Terrible T-shirts click the new shiny button on the right hand side of my blog, or simply click HERE!
Now Playing! Insectoids from Mars – designed by Justin Parpan
Be sure to check back soon for more designs. Coming soon – a batch of brand new monsters including the Wolfman, Sea Beast and Ghastly Ghoul, also a few designs by my associate Josh Parpan!Monday, May 07, 2007
Sunday, April 15, 2007
The 40 Show!

If you want to learn more about the 40 Show Mike G has created a blog for the event: THE 40 SHOW

Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Okay, so Ive been a complete jerk, I ditched you for months and months and for that I'm sorry. My excuse is this, I blame my hiatus from the wonderful world of blogging on my shiny new day job -- here's a link where you can check out some of the work Ive been doing with the fine folks at Painted-Words
To buy back your trust and respect I present this fun and colorful illustration of a food product that doesn't exist. I promise I'll never leave you again.
-Justin Patrick Parpan